US 2020 Elections: Top Candidates For Joe Biden's Government

Congratulation Ceremonies for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in Delaware, November 7, 2020

White House
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Joe Biden is being congratulated as US President-Elect and Kamala Harris, as the VP-Elect.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are moving forward with the presidential preparations and necessities of building an administration  highlighting their agenda. AfroAmerica Network is following the details on the agenda and the candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are considering and vetting. 

 “We are already beginning the transition. We’re well underway. The fact that they’re not willing to acknowledge we’ve won is not of much consequence,” Joe Biden told the media.

 It is expected that women and minorities will be highly represented and will play a major role in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' administration (see AfroAmerica Network: US 2020 Elections: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Prepare for Transition)

In this article, AfroAmerica Network is looking at the top key candidates under consideration. Below are the top candidates, by the  selected key departments.

  •  Secretary of State:
    • Former National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador Susan Rice;
    • Delaware Democratic Senator Chris Coons;
    • Connecticut  Democratic Senator Chris Murphy;
    • Former Obama Deputy National Security Adviser and Deputy Secretary of State Anthony Blinken;
    • Former Obama UN Ambassador Samantha Power;
    • Former Obama National Security Advisor Tom Donilon
  •  Housing and Urban Development:
    • Stacey Yvonne Abrams, former Georgia House Representative;
    • Karen Bass, Democratic Congresswoman  from California and Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus;
    • Alvin Brown, former Adviser to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;
    • Maurice Jones, former Deputy at the Housing and Urban Development;
    • Keisha Lance Bottoms, mayor of Atlanta, Georgia;
    • Diance Yentel, Chair of National Low Income Housing Coalition.
  • Attorney General:
    • Democratic Sen. Doug Jones of Alabama;
    • Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota;
    • Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez;
    • Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey,
    • Former deputy attorney general in the Obama administration, Sally Yates;
    • California Attorney General Xavier Becerra.
  •  Treasury:
    • Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts;
    • Raphael Bostic, President of Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank;
    • Lael Brainard,  member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and  former under secretary at the Treasury Department;
    • Sarah Bloom Raskin, former deputy Treasury secretary and a former member of the Fed’s Board of Governors;
    • Janet L .Yellen, former chair of the Federal Reserve.
  •   Defense:
    • Democratic Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois;
    • Democratic Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island;
    • Former undersecretary of Defense in the Obama administration, Michele Flournoy.
  •   Agriculture:
    • Heidi Heitkamp, North Dakota senator who served on the Agriculture Committee;  
    • Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota 
  • Veterans Affairs Department:
    • Pete Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, Indiana;
    • Robert A. McDonald,  former veterans affairs secretary during the Obama administration.
  • Education Department:
    • Lily Eskelsen García,  former president of the National Education Association;
    • Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers
  •  Energy Department: 
    • Washington Governor Jay Inslee;
    • Former Deputy Secretary of Energy Elizabeth  Sherwood-Randall;
    • Chief Executive of the Nuclear Threat Initiative Ernest Moniz.
  • Labor Department: 
    • Democratic Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders;
    • Seth Harrisformer deputy labor secretary;
    • Michigan Democratic congressman  Andy Levein; 
    • Julie Su, secretary of California’s Labor and Workforce Development Agency.
  • Health and Human Services Department:
    • Mandy Cohen, former chief Operating Officer at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in the Obama administration
    • David Kessler , former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration;
    • Vivek Murthy, former Surgeon General and one of Mr. Biden’s top advisers on the coronavirus.
  • Interior Secretary:
    • Michelle Lujan Grisham, the governor of New Mexico and a former member of Congress.
  • Central Intelligence Agency:
    • Tom Donilon, National Security Adviser under President Barack Obama;
    • Avril Haines, former Deputy C.I.A. Director and Former Deputy National Security Adviser;
    • Mike Morell,  former Foreign Service Officer; 
    • Jeh Johnson,  former secretary of Homeland Security
  • National Intelligence: 
    • Susan Gordon, former  Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence in the Trump administration; 
    • Lisa Monaco, top adviser on Homeland Security to President Obama; 
  • Homeland Security:
    • Florida Congresswoman and former sheriff Val Demmings;
    • Alejandro Mayorkas, Head of Citizenship and Immigration Services at the department under Mr. Obama; 


Meanwhile,  Joe Biden has appointed Ronald A. Klain as White House chief of staff. Ronald  Klain served as  senior adviser to Democratic leaders, including presidents, vice-presidents, and law makers. When Joe Biden was vice-president,  Klain ran his s office.

In  upcoming articles, AfroAmerica Network will cover the details on the agenda and the roles women and minorities are expected to in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' administration. 


@AfroAmerica Network, 2020