Francois Fillon's "Making France Great Again" at Risk

Satires on Francois Fillon's Alleged Scandals

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Nothing will stop me from "making France great again and giving French people  the hope they believe in." It is in these terms that the not long ago leading French candidate Francois Fillon addressed the public and the media, while addressing the fast tanking of his candidacy to become president.

At some point, Francois Fillon was viewed as the next president. That was before allegations that Fillon had discreetly employed his wife as a highly paid parliamentary aide over a long period of time. It was then discovered that, apparently the wife was paid doing nothing or maybe just some work. Then, soon after, it was found that it was not just his wife:  investigations found that he gave well-paid political jobs to his wife,  son and daughter.

Outraged, the French people started deserting  Francois Fillon's campaign in droves. His poll numbers  plummeted. Then stories about his questionable ethics accumulated. Some within his party asked him to withdraw. Examples of failed candidates had accumulated in days leading to Francois Fillon's alleged scandals: French President Francois Hollande and Former President Nicolas Sarkozy have all given up, after their candidacy failed to take momentum or in face of alleged scandals. 

Francois Fillon  has vowed to fight back and bring his numbers up. "millions of  French  voters have put faith in me. It is not these unfounded accusations that will put an end to my candidacy," Fillon said, adding that his goal is to make "France Great Again,"  prompting some to mock him for stealing the slogan of the US  President Donald Trump.

The potential failure of Francois Fillon's candidacy has given hopes to other two candidates: the young  and energetic socialist and former Finances Minister under Francois Holland, Emmanuel Macron and the right wing candidate Marie Le pen. 

Now the question for most French is, is France going to become "Great Again", "Socialist Again", or "Right Wing"?