DR Congo: President Felix Tshisekedi, Facing Serious Crisis in East, Closer to Expelling Rwandan Ambassador Karega

FARDC, Goma in 2013

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On the night of May 27, 2022,  DRC President  Felixi Tshisekedi confirmed, during an emergency meeting with the Conseil Supérieur de la Défense (Security High Commission),  that the Rwandan ambassador Vincent Karega was summoned a day earlier. In fact, on May 26, 2022 AfroAmerica Network was first to report on the summon, as a step towards expulsion, after getting  the information and the facts from sources close to the president of DRC,  Felix Tshisekedi, and his minister of Foreign Affairs, Christophe Lutundula. AfroAmerica Network sources  have been closely following the dynamics of the latest securrity crisis ().

President Felix Tshisekedi heighted the prospects to expel the Rwandan ambassador after the Rwandan special forces, wearing uniforms, and under the cover, of M23  Congolese rebels waging a war in the East, seized the FARDC  military camp  in Rumangabo and were advancing on Goma, the capital of the North-Kivu provice, in eastern DRC.  He then ordered Foreign Affairs Ministter Christophe Lutundula to summon Vincent Karega.

The summon was made public following  an urgent meeting of the Conseil Supérieur de la Défense (Security High Commission)  led by Felix Tshisekedi. After the meeting, the government spokesperson, Patrick Muyaya, made a publiic statement on following:

  •  Facts and proofs gathered during military operations confirm that the  Rwandan military has armed, funded, and provided all military support to M23 Congolese rebels;
  •  M23 is, from now on,  considered as a terrorist movement;
  •  Rwandan government is warned against its illegal operations  invasion of the DRC territory;
  •  Suspension of the flights of Rwandan airlline, RwandAir, to the Democratic Republic of the Congo;
  •  Summon of the Rwandan Ambassador to Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Over the recent years, Felix Tshisekedi's closest aides have constantly warned him against his collaboration with the Rwandan regime and his actions and statements praising the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame, that were widely viewed by the Congolese people as signs of treason against the country and its institutions. The aides  pointed to increasing statements and open condemnations by various local, church, and national leaders of his invitations of Rwandan troops to conduct military operations in Kivu and Maniema provinces and the potential risks of the balkanization of the DRC. 

Until recently, Felix Tshisekedi  kept his mouth shut and looked the other way, even when the Rwandan troops  invaded the country under the cover of M23  Congolese rebels, to finalize the plan of the balkanization of the DRC. 

The statements from the Conseil Superieur de la Defense (Security High Commission) were hailed by the Congolese population and politicians. However, most people and politicians have publiclyinsisted that the reaction by President Felix Tshisekedi was long overdue and stated that they expected more, specifically actions beyond statements.


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 Felix Tshisekedi has been widely criticised for closing his eyes when it came to the atrocities committed in the DRC and against the Congolese civilians by Rwanda troops and military leaders and their supported militia.   According to AfroAmerica Network sources with access to  Felix Tshisekedi's administration,  his closest aides have been more and more shocked by Felix Tshisekedi's unpredicted behaviors and statements, his lack of political experience, and his patent naivete.

Now, following the expectations, all eyes are on Felix Tshisekedi's next steps:

  • Will the Rwandan Ambassador be expelled, as it was recommended to him
  • Will the DRC military, FARDC, pursue the Rwandan military invading troops to Rwanda.
  • WIll the DRC goverment,  the United Nations, and the African Union hold the Rwandan government accountable for all the war crimes, looting, and distructions committed in the DRC by Rwandan military and its funded and supported militia.

 AfroAmerica Network is still closely following the situation.


@AfroAmerica Network 2022