Rwandan General Mubaraka Muganga Explains Rwandan Government Military and Political Strategy: Sustain Endless wars in DR Congo, Ruling France, and a Tight Grip on The CommonWealth.

Rwandan General Mubaraka Muganga with Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Kigali in Feb 2020

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 In a meeting with young people in Kigali, Rwanda on February 26, 2020, General Mubaraka Muganga, the top commander of the Rwandan Defence Forces in the Central and Western Regions of Rwanda, explained and emphasized the political strategies, warmongering policies, intelligence operations, and the manipulation of the international community and the social media, including Youtube and Twitter, by the Rwandan Government led by dictator General Paul Kagame.
In his speech to the young Rwandans  who operate motorcycle taxis in the capital Kigali, General Mubaraka Muganga explained and confirmed the following:

  1. Fuel and Reinforce Endless Wars in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC):   The strategy and the policies of the Rwandan Government and the military is to keep and fuel endless wars in the DRC, known in the Rwandan military intelligence as "89 times", or a territory that is 89 times the area of Rwanda. Hence, the Rwandan military must keep the wars going inside DRC and fuel them as needed;
  2. Use the airline Rwanda Air to transport troops to DRC: to keep the wars in DRC going, the Rwandan Government has partnered with the current DRC government, led by Felix Tshisekedi, to have the Rwandan airline company, Rwanda Air, operate without hindrance. General Mubaraka confirmed that the Rwandan Military uses Rwandan Air planes to easily, effortlessly, and discreetly move Rwandan troops to the DRC territories;
  3. Intelligence Operators working as Motorcycle Taxi Drivers and Operators:  Motorcycle Taxi operators must work closely with Rwandan military intelligences and serve as informers and intelligence operatives, especially in preparation of the next CommonWealth Summit to be held in Kigali, Rwanda;
  4. Take Over The CommonWealth:  Rwanda must take over The CommonWealth and rule it the iron first, so that no neighbor of Rwanda or any Rwandan critic has the opportunity to question Rwandan operations, policies, or actions;
  5. Ruling  France and its Government:  Rwanda is now ruling France and controlling its government through Louise Mushikiwabo. The  Rwandan people is asked to increase support for Louise Mushikiwabo.
  6. Dominating Social Media and Spreading Lies and Fake Stories:  Rwandan youth must dominate social media, including Twitter, Youtube and others. Rwandan youth must be ready to lie and tell stories that never happened, in order to better influence the social media.

Below is the word-for-word translation of the speech, by an AfroAmerica Network correspondent who attended the meeting:

"Our enemies gave us a gift at the beginning and the end of last year.... the  so-called Mudacumura and all other named and unnamed wasted individuals are doing nothing else than fertilizing the Congolese forests; nothing else to do. A similar fate to  others who still harbored similar bad thoughts .. Now there are about three hundred and fifty people in Mukamira and others ... who wanted to ….who were making us insecure .... that's what they wanted. ….

And by the way,  all wars have a reason ... but these other brothers see no reason for wars .... Let them say they are against prosperity, education for all, schools, community work.. we, we have answers ... but to say that I will come only when one ethnic group leaves  Rwanda ... that is a bad dream and God will not accept it .... (applause) That general, I don't know whether  you saw his picture, but I know you like to watch it live on Youtube .... He had ran out of bullets and was left with a  spoon, not sure whether it was a spoon or a fork... If he was really a General and had not fallen there, I would have saluted him and given him honors, as he had promoted himself to the grade levels well above mine and beyond any possible military grade level... So, actually, the corporal in our army is way above that self promoted general..ehhhh.

So those wars, these people  wanted that, I think, ended there...

But it doesn't end like that .... Because we are planning important things .. Bugesera Airport ... The roads are getting bigger ... every citizen will prosper before year two thousand ... year 2030..... The poorest of us should get US $ 4,000 and then by 2050 the poorest of us would have gotten twelve thousand US dollars ($ 12K) ... But when I say dollars you don't understand it well, I think ... twelve thousand dollars. .. you can buy that car ... two of them, actually ..... So you should work faster because no one will be riding your motorcycle in 2035 .... Everyone will have a car like that parked in front of their house. .. And we will achieve as provided in the Rwanda plan. ... Are we really clear?? But starting with the CommonWealth summit planned in the month of June this year,  this summit will leave so much  money, you cannot imagine..... It is so much beyond normal ... and everyone will get their own share .... (applause) ...... 

So  our neighbors do not wish such happy news for us .. They are lucky - but it's not  luck, it is a disaster ---- they wish for that meeting  not to happen  there .... and we have to ... that meeting has to be held here because after that meeting our President will be in charge of the CommonWealth for two years, during which no one else will be allowed to say anything... These years --- two .. (applause) .... So, you understand that we need it more than anyone else .. Therefore, if we need it more than anyone else ... we must start to plan and manage .. to maintain security starting with  the border ... 

That's why every motorcyclist when you go out ... when you hear of activities .... The ones I said ... we prevent crime before it happens ... everyone is the eye of the other ... we release relevant news on time and quickly ... Because, if something, even small, stops that summit from happening, this will impact all of you. Do we understand each other well? And we don't ask you to shoot, we just ask you to give us information ... nothing else .. We do our job ... we keep going to the solutions we are involved in ... Thank you so much as I was happy for many things, but  forgot to thank you ..... Among the infiltrators arrested ... I told you about the other 350, but there are the so-called leaders .... including one Herimani who replaced Sankara as the spokesperson for CNRD ... now, he is also there in Mukamira and is talking and giving us information.. During the interrogation, that’s when he said he was really planning to destroy us ... .what?! ... while we are feeding him in Mukamira. We have that burden of saving him from starvation.... it is sad to describe (... laugh ...) ..but this is Rwanda ... heeee ... they do bad things and we do good things for them ... they do bad things and we do good things for them .. ..but we can’t keep doing that... So, sometimes we see you   excited on Twitter and Youtube, but afraid to respond ... When Herman  speaks, you believe that he is already in Kamonyi, on his way back .... This war you have to fight it .... by slapping and punching  him.... nothing more .... Now,  like Mudacumura who would bring a spoon, if you punched him weren’t you going to crush him?

But when most of you hear that, you despair and think that you will be destroyed.....  Our country does not work like that... That is why we say that we have to maintain security  for the people, starting with you.  And you, all, know your role because the security is  in the interest of all for us .... It is not a job contract you deny us ... From our perspective, I am really lucky to have constant wars, because without wars, I would become jobless and be sent back home... Ehhh. .... But we decided a long time ago that we will have those endless wars executed outside Rwanda, because Rwanda is too smal and cannot sustain bombings... Yes, there,  outside the country .... Because, over there, they have big countries and we solve our problems and the motorcyclists have no problem .. But if you want that we start wars in Mount Kigali, I don't know Rebero,  maybe Jali ... That's like fighting in your living room ... we can hurt kids,  we can fall on the and crush the spouse, we can break the TV sets .... 

Pray for us as the army that has to win wars outside the country, in the foreign lands;  that's it ... And  make sure you do not  say bad prayers, as there are times when I see  people praying to our God to hep us win this war.... From the bottom of my heart I say: “My God, do not listen to their prayers. Because I need those battles and the wars we fight in the foreign lands to last”; and that's it ... Ehhh ..... So 70-year-old Mudacumura is still fighting and now I'm 50; how can I come home? No, I need to fight the wars there outside the country and win them there, in foreign lands,  not here ... And it's easy to get there; we have Rwanda Air, we don't even walk. We were tired of walking .... The country (Democratic Republic of the Congo) kicked us out  of the “89 times Rwanda” (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and we walked for nine (9) months to reach the border and so on ... 9 months ... But now  from Rwanda Air, we jump and land there ... We finish the job,  come back,  and dance and  celebrate the victories...  (applause) ... So that is the strength of your country .... It is the opportunity your country provides for your security ..... Surely do not go to warm the naked bodies of those people as the war is now fought with the latest technology such as Youtube and so on .... That's the war you have to fight ... If they say in Rwanda rwa Gasabo there is this wrong, you respond: “you are lying; I was there and three minutes ago I was still there” ... it doesn't end .... But when you let it go and another reads the story ..  our money that the reader was going to use to ride a motorcycle  goes to Youtube and the accusers... then it is over ... 

I would like to end here so that you don't go around saying that the general talks too much, like: "Does he talk! .... he  really talks too much.!… And we have already forgotten what he said earlier!…".

You have to learn English before June arrives .... And English is easy; don't be afraid ..... (applause) ....

There is no failing in English; whoever fails English would never successfully learn anything else.  English is certainly not difficult; maybe French is the hardest.  Even us who learned French find the langage difficult. Because the French langage is about female and male genders. And they mix them up; my beard is feminine and the breasts of a mother become  masculine. So you realise how hard it is. The fork ... the fork is feminine, whereas a sharp knife we use when eating is masculine. You can imagine everything ... but we'll also learn it because, as you know, we rule France ... don’t we? Didn't you send Mushikiwabo to rule France? We need to support her. 

Well, English is so easy.  You say “welcome” ... “welcome”  means welcome .. It's easy, nothing else to add. “Where are you going?” means Where Are you going? When  you tell somebody: “where are you going?”, the person answers “Kicukiro.’'  So those names are Rwandan names you are familiar with ...(applause).... 

Now, let us go into the numbers…heee..  but it appears that  you are not fair or nice to foreigners; some of them  you ask for ten thousand; some of you are asking for twenty (... laughing ...) .. so now I'm  seeking the numbers  I will use!!!! ..... but we're going to go into the numbers and say "two thousand .. two thousand is two ... five thousand is five .... ten thousand. Then you are done with English  and you go to bed (... laugh ...) Nothing else hmmmm .... But for someone .... to make the driver feel like you're not really one of the other bad guys, it’s great. In fact, if you start by saying I'm Muganga Mubarak everyone says: "this person is important" (eh ... here .... they gave him a document ...). 

I can see that they have even put together a learning manual for you ... At least this manual will save you time and  hours   (...  laughs and applauds …)  It is safe to say that I know eveything going on around in the city...  I was saying that, for a passenger to feel safe, you give your name. In English you say: “my name  is…”  and then add all your name ... Similar the proverbial name this brother in front of me said he has and that I was happy about and wished  that all of you were called  such a name... Eh ... It's not like those Nzapfakumunsi “I'm going to die”  names... I don't know Akasongoyuwa (????) ... what is this .... This one is a great name:  Ibyimanabirizana,    “God provides freely”; that's right .... one hundred percent .... But with Nzapfakumunsi, you don't ride a motorcycle for three months eh .... or Barajigingwa . If you say my name is Barajiginwa, I would jump off the motorcycle..  Whoever has such a name should give his  Christian name and not mention the other .... You understand that I am done with English..... 

But they have prepared a  manual with lessons for you ... (he shows a booklet …).  If  you remember what  I told you during the meetings,…. welcome ... feel home .... where are you going? Where are you going ?? .. If the passengers say where they are going and you heard the name Kicukiro …I don't know where the center is .... that  is going to be two thousand,  two thousand is two but I'm not the one who set the price. I just say as an example... And then the passenger gives you the money and says thank you; and you say “my name is …”  “my name” you say it ... you say it first because you want this person to feel safe, being with Mubaraka..,but  do not say that your name is Mubaraka, as it is mine..... "

 @AfroAmerica Network