Military Operations Planned in Eastern DRC: DRC's FARDC, Rwanda's RDF, Burundi's FDNBU, and Uganda's UPDF Agreement

Attack of prison by armed groups in Kangbayi, Beni, 2016

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The military leaders of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Uganda, and Burundi have ageed to conduct military operations in Eastern DRC over the months of November - December 2019. Sources within the DRC's Ministry of Defense and the FARDC General Command have shared with AfroAmerica Network a copy of the secret agreement among the military leaders of the defense forces of Rwanda (RDF,) Burundi  (FDNBU), and Uganda (UPDF), signed after the meetings held in Goma  on September 13 and 14, 2019.

In the meeting report signed by FARDC Head of Mitary Command, General Mbala Munsenge Celestin, on October 2, 2019, the army commanders from the 4 countries agreed to conduct military operations against the armed groups, national or foreign, based in Eastern DRC. The  targeted armed groups designated include:

  • Rwandan origin: FDLR, RUD-Urunana, CNRD, RNC
  • Congolese origin: Mai-Mai and Allies, APCLS, NDC, NDC-R CMC/NYATURA NGUMINO, TWIGWANEHO
  • Ugandan origin: ADF/MTN
  • Burundian origin: RED/TABARA, FNL, FPB

The plan is to start operations in mid November, 2019.  From November 15 - December 15,  2019, the special forces from Rwanda, Uganda, and Burundi will be deployed into their zones of operations, as follows:

  • Uganda Special Forces (UDF): Grand-Nord and Nord-Kivu
  • Rwandan Special Force (RDF): Nord-KIvu, Nord-Sud-Kivu, Sud-Kivu, and Grand-Nord
  • Burundian Special Forces (FDNBU): Sud-Sud-Kivu, Nord-Sud-Kivu, and Grand-Nord.

The territories are divided and aligned as follows:

  1. Grand Nord: Beni and Lubero.
  2. Nord Kivu: Rutshuru, Nyiragongo and Masisi
  3. Nord Sud-Kivu: Kalehe
  4. Sud Sud Kivu: Uvira, Pfizi and Mwenga.

 Another meeting is planned in Goma on October 24 and 25, 2019  to finalize the operations plan. 

These operations come after major changes within the foreign armed groups commands and organizations.  On September 18,  2019, Rwandan Special Forces, along with some troops from FARDC attacked  the Rwandan rebels of FDLR  and killed their commander, General Sylvestre Mudacumura (see here: Military Operations Against FDLR and Death of Commander Gen. Sylvestre Mudacumura: What Really Happened?)

Earlier, between May and July 2019, the former commanders of RUD-Urunana, General Jean Michel Africa and Major Ntilikina Faustin formed an armed group and joined another rwandan political opposition group, known as FDU-Inkingi, after being expelled from RUD-Urunana, following misconducts and unauthorized behaviors and acts, according to an October 4th, 2019 press release by US-based RUD-Urunana President, Dr Jean Marie Vianney Higiro. RNC is also being accused of sending troops into the DRC and kidnappings, in collaboration with Major Ntilikina and General Jean Michel Africa, now commanders of FDU-Inkingi armed wing. The name of the new FDU-Inkingi armed wing is still unknown.

AfroAmerica Network will continue to follow  and update as the details come.

@AfroAmerica Network