DR Congo: President Felix Tshisekedi Urges Congolese to Have Empathy for Rwandans, and Rather Target Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame and His Diabolic Oligarchy

Felix Tshisekedi and Paul Kagame in Gisenyi, Rwanda on June 25, 2021

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As time passes, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) President Felix Tshisekedi has finally decided to raise the tone against the Rwandan regime, calling it a demoniac system.   DRC President Felix Tshisekedi urged the Congolese people to have empathy for and support the oppressed Rwandan people. He pressed the Congolese to actively target the Rwandan oligarch Paul Kagame and his evil minority oligarchy oppressing the Rwandan people. The statements were made during an address to the nation in a meeting with the Congolese leaders, on December 4, 2022The statements came as a reaction to the recent remarks made by the  Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame in an address to the nation, in which he blamed  Tshisekedi for using attacks and invasion of DRC by Rwandan founded, funded and supported  M23 fighters to postpone elections.   


On November 30, 2022, Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame, in his address to the nation during a swearing ceremony of newly appointed government ministers, claimed that although  "the whole world" has been blaming the Rwandan government and military for the wars and crises in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Congolese president Felix Tshisekedi was  seeking to leverage  M23 attacks to postpone,  to control, and ultimately benefit from  the presidential election scheduled for 20 December 2023.

"This problem can be solved if a country that is heading for elections next year does not try to create the conditions for an emergency situation so that the elections do not take place. If  he[President Tshiskedi] is trying to find another way to postpone the next elections, then I would prefer that he uses other excuses, and not us"  Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame said.


 "Rwanda is Ruled by A Demonic Regime", President Felix Tshisekedi Said.

In his address to the nation on December 4, 2022 while meeting youth leaders, President Tshisekedi poured scorn on the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame in unusual terms.

" Congolese people, do not hate Rwandans. Rwandans are not our enemies. It is the oligarchy ruling Rwanda, under the oligarch Paul Kagame which is our real enemy, the enemy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Rwandans are our brothers and sisters. They live under the brutal bloody repressive regime. Hence they need our help to free themselves. ... Rwandans need our solidarity and our help to get rid of their leader, who is one of the degenerate African leaders. Paul Kagame examplifies the most degenerate African leaders. Paul Kagame is an arrogant devilish individual, who claims to be a master of wars, systematic massacres, and destructions. If I were him, I would rather hide, instead of priding with such  wicked schemes. How can a sane person be proud of spreading death and desolation? His actions are really shameful and, I would actually qualify them as evil, diabolical."


The strong and unequivocal determined reaction by  Felix Tshisekedi has comes as the  Rwandan special forces, wearing uniforms, and under the cover of M23  Congolese rebels waging a war in the East, continue to advance and expand the invasions of  the North-Kivu provice, in eastern DRC, despite the warnings and condemnations  from Eastern African Community (EAC),  African Community (AC), and World powers including the USA and European Union (EU).

Rwandan troops, under the cover of M23 rebels, have been responsible for the humanitarian crisis in eastern Congo, for more than a decade, with the most serious attacks having happened since late 2021, including systematic massacres of civilians, especially children and young boys and teenagers, destructions of homes, crops and infrastuctures and lootings of minerals and other natural resources.  With the attacks of Rwandan troops under the cover of M23 rebels,  eastern DRC  has become one of the most violent regions in Africa.

Over this week,  yet another round of talks with armed groups continued in Nairobi,  Kenya without the presence of the M23, despite the instistence of the Rwandan government to include M23.


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 Even Roosters Dream to Fly: The Epic of a German White Catholic Priest and Manzi, a Freedom Fighter and a Mythological King of Rwanda

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The talks are led by Uhuru Kenyatta, the former Kenyan president. Recent peace talkss in Angola, that Paul Kagame skipped  and delegated a minister, but were attended by other presidents, including Angolan President Joao Lourenco, as a mediator between DRC and Rwanda, African Community (AC) 's chair, Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye, and former Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta, the Eastern African Community (EAC)'s "facilitator".  In the conclusions of the talks, it was decided that rebel groups operating on Congolese soil "should leave" or face DRC and East African troops.

"They have already been warned: the DRC will not be a fighting centre for other countries," Uhuru Kenyatta said durring the talks in Nairobi, Kenya.

The comments bby President Felix Tshisekedi regarding the  need for brotherly relations between the Congolese people and  Rwandans, while targeting the Rwandan oligarch Paul Kagame and the minorty oligarchy ruling Rwandan were a precedent.  President Felix Tshisekedi,  who, over the recent years by his closest aides, has been consistently criticised for, and warned agains,t his collaboration with the Rwandan regime and his actions and statements praising the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame,  did not mince his words. 


The speech by President Felix Tshisekdi have fueled speculations about the next steps in the relations between the regimes of DRC and Rwanda and, more specificall between the two former friends, now bitter ennemies, President Felix Tshisekedi and dictator Paul Kagame.

According to AfroAmerica Network sources, several elements have swayed President Felix Tshisekedi, including the following ():

  • overwhelming facts and proofs gathered during military operations confirming that the  Rwandan military has increased the armament, funding, and  military support to M23 Congolese rebels;
  • Expansion of military operations by M23 rebels led by identified known Rwandan military officers;
  • The increasing support frrom African Union and the East African Community and their on-going deployment of troops to the DRC, as planned in  the agreements signed in  Nairobi, Kenya and Luanda, Angola ;
  • Intelligence gathered when interrogating FARDC high ranking military officers and commanders accused of supporting M23 and working with Rwandan military intelligence and plotting a military coup (DR Congo: President Felix Tshisekedi Beset by Systemic Corruption, now Under Threat from Former President Joseph Kabila and Associate Vital Kamerhe);
  • A note presented based on an analysis by a Rwandan expert knowledgeable of the history of the invasion of DRC by Rwandan troops and the ensuing Congolese tragedy. Accorrding AfroAmerica Network sources, the note was summarized by government employees and shared with  the members of the Conseil Supérieur de la Défense (Security High Commission)  just before the meeting ( See the reference note  here: Beyond the Myth Ex-FAR/Interahamwe and the Congolese Tragedy). 

Now, following the speech by Felix Tshisekedi and Paul Kagame, all eyes are on Felix Tshisekedi's next steps:

  • Is Felix Tshisekedi planning to invade Rwanda and help overthrow the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame?

 Meanwhile, sources with the Rwandan Defense Forces and Department of Military Intelligence have informed AfroAmerica Network that given the geopolitical situation in the region and the concerns regarding the condemnations by the international community, Paul Kagame has been reviewing his strategy for his replacement, including designating a new asset who will replace him, instead of his daughter, Mrs. Ange Kagame as planned before (see here: Africa - Uganda - Rwanda: Ugandan and Rwandan Longterm Leaders, Yoweri Museveni and Paul Kagame, Preparing their Son and Daughter for Power Inheritance.

 AfroAmerica Network is still confirming the information and closely following the situation.  Expect a report on the new dynamics soon.


@AfroAmerica Network 2022