DR Congo: President Felix Tshisekedi Beset by Systemic Corruption Within His Government, Several Secret Recordings and Investigations Confirm

Felix Tshisekedi and Paul Kagame, in Gisenyi, Rwanda, June 25, 2021

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On Sep 16, 2022, Vidiye Tshimanga, the special strategic advisor to  president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)  Felix Tshisekedi,  resigned a few hours after secret videos of his conversations with alleged investors, in which he was reportedly demanding bribes and kickbacks, were released. AfroAmerica Network has now obtained other secret recordings by agents connected to international organizations confirming that the special forces of the Congolese military FARDC have been deployed in East, not to fight the rebels as a priority, but mostly to make sure that the minerals, especially coltan and tourmaline, are exploited by entities connected  to officials in Kinshasa, and that these minerals are sold to specific agents, especially Rwandan entities,  who would pay the required kickbacks to DRC government officials, through high ranking military officers.   Most of those FARDC military officers are connected to M23 and the Rwandan government.

In the released secretly recorded videos, Vidiye Tshimanga implicated the DRC president Felix Tshisekedi himself, saying that when he asks the president for something, he gives it to him and that reaching him is like reaching the President (see here, DRC: Special Advisor to DRC President Felix Tshisekedi Resigns Following Leaks of Secret Videos Highlighting Systematic Corruption in the Government.). Vidiye Tshimanga's resignation, instead of  helping resolving the systematic widespread problem facing Felix Tshisekedi's government,  has  rather complicated the issue. In fact, the scandal involving Vidiye Tshimana has left Felix Tshisekedi hanging on a cliff.

Moreover, the dishonest dealings within the DRC government  have been unearthed while other major cases of corruption and looting mineral resources was still being investigated by international organizations. In fact,  recently,  secret voice recordings published in the reports by international organizations have added more challenges.  The statements from the audio recordings confirm and describe the involvement of  FARDC troops in coltan and tormaline mining, including digging the mines by themselves,  taxation of diggers, shell companies and proxy militia, and trading on the behalf of top FARDC generals and high-ranking military officers working with government leaders.

Detailed conversations among international agents and FARDC commanders and soldiers within the so called "Special Forces" units based in Eastern DRC, mainly in Bunagana and Ishasha, near the Ugandan border,  Rutshuru, Rubaya, Nyamilima,  Kahunga near Mabenga-Beni  confirmed that  the units were deployed by government leaders with the specific mission to exploit mines. The minerals are shipped to Goma, then to Rwanda, whereas the proceeds from sales are levied and retained by military generals based in Goma and sent to government leaders in Kinshasa.  

Among the top military leaders mentionned are General Gahizi,  Colonel Jean Claude Rusimbi, Colonel Zaïre, and Colonel Uzima

Colonel Jean Claude Rusimbi is  a former soldier in the CNDP  led by Laurent Nkunda and is suspected of being behind the killing of the  Italian Ambassador Luca Attanasio iin 2021.  Laurent Nkunda  is a warlord  who founded CNDP and is being investigated by international courts for crimes against humanity. He  is currently serving as  one of the leaders of Rwandan intelligence for M23 in  North-Kivu and the background leader of M23.

Colonel Uzima is the commander  of a special unit, allied with M23 rebels and Rwandan Defense Forces and has been fighting the Rwandan rebels of the FDLR. According to the recordings, Colonel Uzima was the one who shot and killed the FDLR commander  General  Sylvestre Mudacumura.

According to sources within FARDC commanders, most of these FARDC officers cited in the recordings have allegedly  joined M23 rebels group, which has replaced FARDC in exploiting the mines.

The leaks and reports on the corruption happen when Felix Tshisekedi continues to face  a worsening security situation in Eastern DRC. According to AfroAmerica Network sources within the DRC government, the latest corruption scandals may be the tip of an iceberg and may explain why Felix Tshisekedi has consistently taken a low profile when Rwandan troops kept invading the DRC.


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In fact, over the recent years, DRC president  Felix Tshisekedi's closest aides have constantly warned him against his collaboration with the Rwandan regime and his actions and statements praising the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame, that were widely viewed by the Congolese people as signs of treason against the country and its institutions. The aides  have  pointed to increasing statements and open condemnations by various local, church, and national leaders of his invitations of Rwandan troops to conduct military operations in Kivu and Maniema provinces and the potential risks of the balkanization of the DRC ()  

According to AfroAmerica Network sources with access to DRC government,  his closest aides have been more and more shocked by President  Felix Tshisekedi's unpredicted behaviors and statements, his lack of political experience, his patent naivete,   and the closing of his eyes when it came to the atrocities committed in the DRC and against the Congolese civilians by Rwanda troops and military leaders and their supported militia, including M23. 

Until recently,  President Felix Tshisekedi  kept his mouth shut and looked the other way, even when the Rwandan troops  invaded the country under the cover of M23  Congolese rebels, to finalize the plan of the balkanization of the DRC.  Even when, under internal and external pressure,  he dared to openly acknowledge the invasion of the Rwandan troops under the cover of M23, he has refreained himself from expelling the Rwandan ambassador to the DRC,  Vincent Karega, despite the demands from his government and the people.


 AfroAmerica Network is still closely following the situation.


@AfroAmerica Network 2022