AroniSmartInvest Technology News: Apple Electric and Self-Driving Car and iPhone 13: Facts vs Rumors?
In December 2020, media reports confirmed that Apple was working on an Electric Vehicle (EV), known as "Apple Car", and targeting 2024 for production, with a more advanced battery technology. Independent EV remains a distant reality for Apple, but there are also rumors that Apple may partner with a car maker to accelerate the timelines. Meanwhile as news and remors are fueling the Apple Car story , Apple stock has reached records highs with the day range of $153.10 - $154.63, closing at $154.30, thus confirming the new trends uncovered in AroniSmart Analyses (see here AroniSmartIntelligence™ in Action: Apple (AAPL) Stock Performance and Momentum Analysis with Support Vector Machine and Dominance Analysis in Q3 2021 and AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Key Stocks At the End of Summer 2021; Machine Learning, Bayesian Network, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment Analyses).