AroniSmartIntelligence™: Applied Statistics, BigData and Bayesian Models

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Welcome to AroniSmartIntelligence™

Thank you for selecting AroniSmartIntelligence™,the leading statistical and data mining tool built for the Mac OS® X platforms.  AroniSmartIntelligence™is built on the premises that Statistics and Data Mining techologies need to be user friendly tools for Researchers, Students, Business Analysts, Practitioners and others to focus on the problem of interest, not on the complexities of applications or writing computer code. With the help of Apple’s OS X,


AroniSmartIntelligence has accomplished that. We recommend that you read this manual to familiarize yourself with the installation and basic operation ofAroniSmartIntelligence.You may also wish to read or skim through and skip to any chapters that cover features you frequently use. Softwares, especially this, are most useful when used. In fact, as and because you use it, you get more insights into the world of Statistics and Data Mining.

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I. Why AroniSmartIntelligence™

AroniSmartIntelligence™ and AroniSmartStat™  are applied statistics and data mining reference,  electronic handbook, and powerful research tools. They are intended for beginners, students of statistics, casual and regular users and advanced statisticians, data miners and researchers.The uniqueness and benefits ofAroniSmartStat™ andAroniSmartIntelligence™can be described in four steps:

II. The World of Statistics and Analytics with AroniSmartIntelligence™

Researchers, Scientists, Engineers, Students, Politicians, Economists, Political Analysts, Business Analyst, Financial Analysts, Statisticians, and most of us the practitioners use statistics to answer questions  or to support decision making that require data analysis. Statistics help to describe the results of, among others, investigations, experiments,  and observations. When data about the subject or object of interest is somehow comprehensive, data analysis usingdescriptive statisticsmay be what is needed.

Unfortunately, in the world of statistics, things may not be that straightforward. The population of interest may not be fully observable or accessible. Hence, the statistician will have to make inference or, in statistics terms, appeal to inferential statistics. Inferential statistics involve statistical tests. One of the major issues facing statisticians and researchers is to choose which test to use. The choice involves first a decision between two families of test statistics: parametric and nonparametric. Then, a choice of specific statistical test must be made.

AroniSmartIntelligence™intends to help beginners, practitioners and most advanced statisticians and researchers to navigate this tricky step in learning, research, and interpretation and application of or action on results.  To achieve these goals, AroniSmartIntelligence™is built around four modules that provide the four main benefits:The specific module of AroniSmartIntelligence™dedicated to Statistical Tests offers an in-depth, user friendly and intuitive reference and selection tool that will facilitate the task, save time, while being rigorously thought out.  In this module,AroniSmartIntelligence™shows in a unique graphical template the key relationships and the connectivity among statistical variables. This visual and intuitive tool offers to statisticians an invaluable reference for linking and deriving key probability distributions, and hence arriving quickly to solutions.  Beginners and casual or regular users will quickly find this tool easy to use and handy.  Advanced users and researchers will have at their fingertip a powerful research and reference tool.

  1.  The specific module of AroniSmartIntelligence™dedicated to Statistical Tests offers an in-depth, user friendly and intuitive reference and selection tool that will facilitate the task, save time, while being rigorously thought out.  In this module,AroniSmartIntelligence™shows in a unique graphical template the key relationships and the connectivity among statistical variables. This visual and intuitive tool offers to statisticians an invaluable reference for linking and deriving key probability distributions, and hence arriving quickly to solutions.  Beginners and casual or regular users will quickly find this tool easy to use and handy.  Advanced users and researchers will have at their fingertip a powerful research and reference tool.
  2. The module dedicated to Probability Distribution is a user-friendly interface with most of the usual statistical distributions, their properties and their graphical representations.   
  3. For researchers, advanced statisticians, students, and other users, the three remaining modules: Descriptive analysis,  Statistical testing, and Regression Analysis and Segmentation help conduct descriptive analyses, conduct statistical analyses,  test hypotheses, conduct regression analysis and perform segmentation and classification on real or empirical data provided by the users themselves.
  4. With the advance in Big Data, Text Mining, and Discovery, Bayesian Models and Bayesian Networks have become an indispensable tool, in the hands of more savvy analysts. AroniSmartIntelligence® has a module dedicated to Bayesian Models and Network.
  5.  The graphing capability included in the tool will help to easily simulate distributions and tocreate histograms and scattergrams.

Statistics may seem, at sometimes, overwhelming for beginners or may require remembering several mathematical formulas.  Hence Statisticians and users of statistics need a tool that can help refresh their memories and eventually provide the link needed to connect statistical concepts, while using it to solve real life problems. AroniSmartIntelligence™ implements an approach to quickly understand statistical methods and at the same time conduct rigorous statistical researches, without writing any code.

AroniSmartIntelligence™ is self-contained. Some, if not most, concepts contained in the tool may be found on Internet and library resources. AroniSmartIntelligence™ will give that on the user’s computer, at the fingertips. No need for internet connection, multiple searches of internet search engines and portals, or time consuming visits to libraries. AroniSmartIntelligence™ user does not need pages to seep through or manuals to memorize. The tool will always be at computer length. At the same time,AroniSmartIntelligence™is a statistical and analytical software destined to be used by researchers, students, and practitioners.

AroniSmartIntelligence™ is a cost effective tool, either in time, ease of use, access, or price.It is the best statistical reference, research and analytics tool for the busiest and savvy statistician and statistical practitioner and researcher and data mining expert.  The following sections detail the features of AroniSmartIntelligence™

III.  Key AroniSmartIntelligence™ Features

AroniSmartIntelligence™is built on the premises that Statistics, Analytics, and Data Mining need to be user friendly tools for Researchers, Students, Practitioners and others to focus on the problem of interest not on the complexities of applications or writing computer code.AroniSmartIntelligence™assumes that the user is familiar with basic statistical concepts and needs a reference and research tool. While the emphasis in on research and productivity, it is assumed that the user would like also to have a tool that can help cement the statistical, analytical, and data mining concepts and can be used as a reference for more in depth study, analysis, or research.  The tool is designed as on-road statistical learning and research companion. It is a versatile and powerful research,  statistical, analytical and data mining tool with many and innovative features.

1)  Probability function statistics: Formulas for probability function, cumulative function, mean, variance, median, mode, moment generating function, skewness and kurtosis are given in the embedded pdf document.

2)  Relationships among common distributions.This visual representation maps on one page the relationships among the key statistical distributions

3)  How to select parametric test. This visual representation maps on one page steps on how to select an appropriate parametric test and how to calculate the test.

4)  How to select nonparametric test.This visual representation shows the path from defining a statistical problem, choosing the type of data, selecting the non parametric test and describing the test itself, its assumptions and its mathematical and statistical properties.

5)  Annotation: the main pdf document in which probability or tests are described can be annotated through the Tools menu and saved for further reference. The annotation gives the ability to add notes and references in the document for further enriching the statistical concepts.

6)  Descriptive statistics on observed or empirical data. AroniSmartIntelligence™ has a statistical engine to compute all the statistics from the data provided by the user. All the statistics described in 1) are produced for each variable or sample of data.

7)  Graphing Capability:Select a discrete or continuous distribution from the browser, and observe the graph of that distribution. Change the input parameters and see how the distribution changes its form and shape.  For empirical data, select a variable to plot its histogram, or two variables to plot a scattergram. The plots will help in making the decision on which probability distribution better describes the data, choosing between parametric and non parametric testing and selecting a parametric test.

8)   Calculate the probabilities: Select a discrete or continuous distribution from the browser, enter the input parameters and calculate the probabilities based on the selected distribution. Change the input parameters and see how the probability distributions change.

9)  Conduct the statistical testing. This is ultimately the first of the two main goals ofAroniSmartIntelligence™.  AroniSmartIntelligence™is a powerful statistical, analytical and research tool. The engine for conducting the statistical tests is at the core of the software application and drives all other statistical analyses. The software application gives the ability to the users to enter their data, conduct descriptive and advanced analyses, chose the test, and conduct the test.

10)   Regression Analysis, Segmentation and Classification. This is ultimately the second of the  two main goals ofAroniSmartIntelligence™. AroniSmartIntelligence™is a powerful statistical, analytical and research tool. Regression analysis, segmentation and classification are at the heart of quantitative analyses critical to running businesses, conduct researches and studies and making informed decisions. The software application gives the ability to the users to enter their data in CSV format or, in a more flexible proprietary Aroni format that can handle  numeric interval (real or integer), nominal, binary and text formats.


11) Bayesian Models and Network and Text Mining. Big Data has been here and exploding. Businesses, individual and the society have been slowly adjusting to the new trend in technology, data mining and analytics adapted to the needs of Big Data. AroniSoft, with its AroniSmart™ line of technology and analytical tools and methodologies, has been working to make sure our customers will be able to harness the benefits offered by Big Data.

AroniSmartIntelligence™ has a module dedicated to Big Data: Bayesian Models. The module is dedicated to analyzing text data and discovering network relationships among different variables and attributes.

The module includes several Bayesian Network models, estimators and algorithms to deal with unstructured data. AroniSmartIntelligence™ models have been optimized for the needs of Big Data analytics. To support text and unstructured data mining, a Text processing capability has been added in the Descriptive Analysis module. AroniSmartIntelligence™ allows the analyst to load plain text from various sources, organized in folders and sub-folders and create a dataset in “Aroni” format, to be processed in the Bayesian Models, Regression Analytics, or Segmentation modules



Enjoy the world of Statistics, Analytics and Data Mining with AroniSmartIntelligence™