Norway: Lt Ruzibiza calls on Norwegian government and Center for Peace to help avert new bloodbath in Rwanda

By AfroAmerica Network.

March 24, 2006.

In a passionate speech before hundreds of university students, faculty members, peace activists, and government officials, Lt. Abdul Ruzibiza, a  former Rwandan Patriotic Army officer,  asked the Norwegian government to take a lead in denouncing the use of the 1994 Rwandan tragedy by the current dictatorial Rwandan government to oppress the Rwandan people.  I ask the Norwegian government to try to avoid falling in the trap of manipulation by the government of Rwanda”, because it is obvious the Rwandan tragedy “is used as means of oppression against the Rwandan population,Ruzibiza said.

He added that “Different political calculations are made to oppress the Rwandan people to make sure the criminal regime is maintained in place. It is time that civilized countries help us to save [the] situation, if not, we are straight [heading] to other political violence.”

The speech was delivered in the town of Tromsø, Norway, at the university of Tromsø, with the invitation of Foundation Sambadet, the Center for Peace and the University of Tromsø.

He noted, before concluding that in Rwanda, “Because of despair, everybody thinks we have only two choices: [either] to let criminals lead us the way the want [… or], to take up weapons and [..] fight.”

The  complete speech in English  may be downloaded from Please see the link:  VISIT  A SPECIAL PAGE OF TESTIMONIES ON THE SITUATION IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION OF AFRICA.

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