Arusha: 1994 Rwandan tragedy resulted from a complex web of factors, Lt Ruzibiza tells UN Court.

By AfroAmerica Network.

March 22, 2006.

AfroAmerica Network has obtained the complete transcript of the examination and the cross-examination of  the witness Lt. Ruzibiza by the defense counsels of General Gratien Kabirigi, Colonel Theoneste Bagosora, Major Ntabakuze, and Colonel Nsengiyumva  and the prosecution in front of the ICTR in Arusha. The 80  pages document of cross examination by the prosecution along with the 86 pages of examination by the defense council gives an extended picture of how the 1994 Rwandan tragedy unfolded and the role played by different actors:  the Rwandan Patriotic Army, especially the current Rwandan President, General Paul Kagame, the ex-FAR, Interahamwe, Tutsis, Hutus, Twas, the media, the church, the grassroots, and the political parties

The  documents, in Freanch and in English  may be downloaded from Please see the link:  VISIT  A SPECIAL PAGE OF TESTIMONIES ON THE SITUATION IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION OF AFRICA.


These  may be important historical documents to read and to keep for future generations of Africans.

 You need Acrobat Reader to view the documents.

©AfroAmerica Network,  March 2006.
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